Fig. 15.     A: PHA-L labeled terminal varicosities in close apposition to a proximal dendrite of a cholinergic neuron. The grid simulates the proportions of the ocular reticle used to screen sections from high magnification (63x) light microscopic analysis. One division of grid = 16 µm. B-F: Composite maps illustrating putative zones of contact between afferent fibers and cholinergic neuronal elements following PHA-L injections into the (B) locus coeruleus, (D) far-lateral hypothalamus, (E) mid-lateral hypothalamus, (F) medial hypothalamus. C: shows the distribution of putative contact sites from a material stained for DBH/ChAT. Cholinergic neurons are represented by dots. Zones of putative contacts between cholinergic elements and terminal varicosities are depicted as solid squares (corresponding to 80x80 µm areas in the section).