Fig. 2.     Composite map illustrating the distribution of cholinergic projection neurons (dots). This drawing was composed from 6 camera lucida drawings which were aligned and superimposed to generate the final figure. Only the ventral outlines of the brain and the corpus callosum are indicated. The same technique is used to show the distribution of putative contact sites of different afferent systems in relation to the cholinergic neurons in Fig. 15. Cells between the arrows correspond to the area of the SI. Abbrev. ac = anterior commissure; Acb = accumbens nucleus; BL = basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; BSt = bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CA = central amygdaloid nucleus; CP = caudate putamen; DM = dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus; f = fornix; GP = globus pallidus; HDB = horizontal limb of the diagonal band; ic = internal capsule; LSd = lateral septal nucleus, dorsal; LSi = lateral septal nucleus, intermediate; LV = lateral ven-tricle; MCP = magnocellular preoptic nucleus; MS = medial septal nucleus; ot = optic tract; Rt = reticular thalamic nucleus; SI = sublenticular substantia innominata; sm = stria medullaris; VDB = vertical limb diagonal band nucleus; VM = ventromedial hypothalalamic nucleus; VP = ventral pallidum.