Fig. 10.     Ascending input from the pontine reticular formation to parvalbumin-containing (PV) basal forebrain neuron. (A) PHA-L labeled neurons in the oral part of the pontine reticular nucleus (PnO). Aq = aqueductus cerebri; ll = lateral lemniscus, ml = medial lemniscus; IC = inferior colliculus; mf = medial longitudinal fascicle. (A') boxed are is shown with higher magnification in (B). Rt = reticular thalamic nucleus; sm = stria medullaris; f = fornix; AHA = anterior hypothalamic area; ox = optic chiasm. (B) Arrow points to a PV cell in the substantia innominata. (C) The PV-containing neuron is enwrapped by PHA-L labeled varicosities. Scale bar: 50 µ.